welcome to my world of ambition, some of which is meaningful, some not so much

where i will document my journey through the 101 things in 1001 days project. it's journey of growth, adventure, and accomplishment. where completion of each small task marks one step closer to the person i imagine myself to be. where ideas transfer to reality. idealism merges into realism. imagination becomes fruition. and where all those little things i think about doing "someday" can join the ranks of my priorities.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

#33, #68, #74, #80

clearly I've been slacking on the ol' goal list. fortunately, i've a few updates to make.

#33: 2008: planted white wax beans; 2009: planted tomatillos; 2010 planted yellow pear tomatoes
#68: closed on a house June 2010
#74: decided we had other priorities for age 8 and went to disneyland early. boy, oh boy, was it worth it!
#80: got fish. she's been so good to take care of them (we've gone through 6 in the process). too bad i think he's going to croak today :(