welcome to my world of ambition, some of which is meaningful, some not so much

where i will document my journey through the 101 things in 1001 days project. it's journey of growth, adventure, and accomplishment. where completion of each small task marks one step closer to the person i imagine myself to be. where ideas transfer to reality. idealism merges into realism. imagination becomes fruition. and where all those little things i think about doing "someday" can join the ranks of my priorities.

Friday, September 19, 2008


i confess. i thought this would be a bigger deal than it was. i've actually used the stability ball as a chair for almost two months now, and i don't think my abs are any better for it. but, it is convenient. i have very little space and it fits perfectly under my desk so i don't have to drag over a dining chair every night. i think it's going to stay a while.


Anonymous said...

So Did this ball help in anything other than space saving ? Is there any good link you referred to before trying this out which explains what are advantages of this ?

Micha said...

The premise was to strengthen core muscles (abs & back). I didn't read it online anywhere, this was born from the "trend" of the late 90's where some offices were having employees switch to balls rather than chairs to help ease lower back pain.

I was always curious about that idea and just wanted to see if it made a difference to me. I figured the only way to really test it would be to dedicate a particular space of time to trying it out.

I've heard others like it, for me it didn't really matter.